What is Breathwork?


In its simplest form, breathwork is the practice of relieving stress and anxiety through the power of breath.

A deeper explanation…. Breathwork is the method of releasing stagnant energy that causes disease or chaos within the body through conscious, focused breathing patterns. It is best used as a practice, not just a one-time activity, to balance the body’s systems and create a flexible nervous system.

What is a flexible nervous system and why does it matter?

A flexible nervous system allows the body to have a large window of tolerance. In other words, a person can handle a lot of sudden stress because they live most of their time in a “vagal response” which promotes rest, digest, safety, and social ease. They can go from vagal super chill to fight or flight and back again with ease! This is how we are meant to operate!

Today, more than ever, we are a society that is overwhelmed, disconnected, and always stressed out! We are in constant fight or flight mode so we have disconnected from our bodies. We don’t know how to process what we feel so we stuff it or numb it with busyness, booze, drugs, activity, social media…. fill in the blank.

Due to living in constant fight or flight mode, we have lost the flexibility to bounce back to our vagal chill. Breathwork brings back that flexibility!!

Will you notice this flexibility?

Yes!!!! It’s subtle, but grows! You will likely notice a calming effect immediately after your first breath session, however, when this becomes a practice, you will notice over time that you are more relaxed in general, and it takes a lot more to push you over the threshold into anxiety or anger. You will learn to FEEL your emotions and sit with them safely, to process them instead of stuffing them down or numbing them. You will carry less emotional baggage because your practice will continually move out old emotional energy, making way for new purposeful energy, allowing you to bounce back more readily from stressful events and live in a space of peace, balance, creation, and connection.

In other words, you will be in THRIVE mode, instead of SURVIVE mode!

A list of the AMAZING Benefits of Breathwork:

  • immediate reduction of stress and anxiety

  • over time, a general sense of peace and wellbeing

  • more energy

  • improves mental clarity

  • better connection to your body

  • improved connection with your Source

  • the ability to respond instead of react

  • releases trauma that has held you back for years

  • provides release from triggers you want to be rid of

  • reduces toxins in the body

  • gives you better access to your higher power and your intuition

Each hour session will begin and end with some conversation and an invitation to journal what you have learned/experienced before leaving the sacred space. Most sessions have an intention – a phrase you connect with. This is not a goal or expectation. It is a vision of where we would like to go. We simply start with an intention of your choosing, travel the road your body takes you down, and see where you land.

Many of my personal sessions have the intention of calming the nervous system; receiving, releasing, or aligning; releasing old stories/doubts in order to step into something new/bigger; connecting to my body and realizing the treasure that it is: Or simply taking the time to pause and listen.

Every session is beautiful because what is supposed to happen, happens!

Where will your session take you!?


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