My Story
Last week (June 28, 2022) I became a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner (CECP)! Already, through my practicum, I have seen a young boy lose his anxiety about separating from his parents, low back pain from a friend be released, hips feel more open and less sore, a husband and wife relationship improve, body image anxiety decrease, and issues around alcohol lessen!
At this moment, I just finished a week long immersion into a student of breathwork becoming a facilitator in the Pause Breathwork Program! We have been breathing as students for the last two months and now we are facilitators in training! I couldn’t be more thrilled about both of these accomplishments!
Overall, it is obvious to me that I have more energy, peace, joy, love, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control…. Believers, sound familiar!? The fruit of the Spirit!!! I have gotten out of my animal brain programmed for survival and have found a way to regulate my nervous system so I am better able to connect with the Spirit through Breathwork and Emotion Code! It’s been such a Divinely Directed journey!! I am thoroughly grateful for the pain it took to get here!!
My life, health and well-being have improved expansively over the last 6 months through these two modalities: My lung capacity has improved so much that I am able to sing again! My relationship with my husband has improved! I find myself reconnected to my body and it’s needs! Body image has improved!! I no longer EAT my feelings, I feel them, sit with them, love them and release them! I am healing from past abuse that I thought didn’t really affect me, but clearly it had, as now I have so much peace around it, I feel lighter and more joyful! I have lost my desire/need for finding relaxation in a drink or two. And most significant to me is that my anxiety has dropped to nearly zero!! With the chaos of the last two years, my anxiety had been so high that little bitty things would trip me over my threshold and I would lose it emotionally – tears, rage or anxiety were triggered over the littlest things!
But! No more!!
This journey into a healthier more peaceful version of my better self, began with a mild achilles injury in November of 2021 that eventually lead to a massively herniated disc, leaving me prone on the floor for 6 weeks!!
While I laid on the floor praying for healing without invasive methods, I was being tenderly shown things God had been trying to teach me for years!! I was learning so much spiritually and making the most of my time on the floor! I would have visitors throughout the day to love on me, bring us food and entertain me!! I felt truly blessed in my misery!
The second week my sister and brother-in-law brought dinner and ate with me on the floor! They suggested I go see their “healer” who I lovingly referred to as the voodoo woman! Well, I was desperate, so I went!
She did the emotion code on my low back for 2 hours. When I stood up to leave I FELT NO PAIN!!! I stood!! I squatted!! I sat!!! NO PAIN!!!! After freaking out and talking with her, the pain started to come back. I took my leave and returned two more times to her for treatment! I was sure I was on the right track! Not only that, but I was determined to learn this in order to help those I know and love! And even those I don’t know yet!!
It took nine hours to release all the emotional baggage trapped in my low back! Along with proper nutrition, exercises, stretches, chiropractic, paying very close attention to my body, etc, I healed quickly and well!! As of this writing (July 5, 2022), I am now 6 months out and feel that I am back to 95%!!! I couldn’t be happier or more surprised!!
I am certain that the Emotion Code was the catalyst for healing!! When I stood for the first time with no pain after 2 hours of treatment, it was like my body said “You are on the right track!! Keep doing this!” By removing that trapped emotional energy, my body was able to start healing through the other modalities! It was as if I released a damn that was holding back my body’s ability to heal itself! By removing that damn, my body could reach the area that was injured, nourish it, and heal it!
As I was healing, I decided I would wait to buy the Emotion Code certification in April. I felt God was saying “Not yet! Wait!”. April came and I STILL felt I needed to delay but wasn’t sure why! Then suddenly, truly out of nowhere, Pause Breathwork fell into my lap!
I jumped in with both feet to become a facilitator! I didn’t even know fully what breathwork was about!! Something in my spirit just said “Yes! This!! This is what you have been waiting for!” I signed up! About 1 month in it was clear I could do both certifications at the same time! I finished Emotion Code in about 11 weeks and will become a Pause Breathwork Facilitator October 1st!
The body always seeks balance, and through energy work we allow our bodies to do the work needed to bring about such harmony. This balance and harmony allow the body to thrive instead of being stuck in survival mode so that we can focus on the things in life that matter!! Through this work I am finding I am able to connect more deeply to my body, to others, and to God and to live each day with more peace and joy!!
I am thrilled to bring these two modalities to those in my world – the ones I know and the ones I have yet to meet! I hope you will be one of them!!